SWEDISH FREELANCE JOURNALIST - Currently based in Gothenburg, Sweden, free for freelance work around the globe.
Award winning Swedish journalist, born in 1982. Recently foreign correspondent based in Asia and investigative journalist for Expressen, one of Sweden's leading newspapers.
Worked for most of the major newsrooms in Sweden (like Swedish public service TV and radio, several daily newspapers etc).
For example I worked for the TV show 'Uppdrag granskning' (Assignment: Investigate, like Panorama on BBC).
"Uppdrag granskning is Sweden's leading investigative journalism program and is greatly influential in public debate and has won a series of national and international awards since the programme started in 2001."
Director of investigative journalism for the street magazine Faktum (the Swedish equivalent of London's Big Issue).
I'm freelancing regularly - normally based in Bangkok or Gothenburg - working for Swedish and national media. Also done research jobs and interviews for international press.
TV host of one of Sweden's foremost television productions , which has been on television for over 26 years. (I prefer to not be in front of the camera, takes time from the real work.)
I worked as forging freelance writer in Southeast Asia and Africa. Got a degree in journalism and political science. Also studied economical history and specialised in developing countries. Former board member of the Swedish Association of Investigative Journalist.
Specialties: Investigative journalist in all forms: Radio, Text, Web/Social Media, Photo, TV.
I'm hard working and straight forward. If you don't want an honest answer you should not ask me what I think. Start working as reporter at the age of 13. The dream is still to make journalism that changes the world, hopefully I never lose that naive idea.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions concerning Sweden or would like to hire me for work. I speak English on a daily basis and am working hard on improving my English writing skills. Hopefully it's more important what the investigation show than my terrible spelling ;)
Josephine Freje Simonsson
reporter@freje.se (för bara Josephine)
Tel: +46-702 209 205
Tips? Maila: imperietmedia@gmail.com eller skicka sms. Telefontid 9-18 vardagar, uppskattar INTE idioter som ringer och "tipsar" mitt i natten eller på kvällar och helger.Det handlar om ömsesidig respekt.
Prisbelönt grävande reporter, just nu med bas i Göteborg. Jobbat för bland annat Uppdrag granskning, Expressens grävgrupp, P1 Kaliber och varit "Gräv-Josse" i flera P3-produktioner. Även tidigare programledare för SVT Plus, fick äran att slänga bluff-produkter i Sverkers tunna :)
Just nu delägare för det nystartade bolaget Imperiet Media AB, med Sophia Djiobaridis från Uppdrag granskning. Tidigare lokalredaktör på Hem & Hyra, samt håller på med ett grävande tv-program. Jobbar även extra i Göteborgs hamn.
Jobbat som korrespondent och frilans i stora delar av Asien (bott sammanlagt två år med bas i Bangkok), samt Afrika (med bas i Kigali).
Föreläser på svenska och engelska. (Mer på wiki med länkar etc, var källkritiskt och säg till om du hittar något fel, tack)
Copyright @ All Rights Reserved ™Freje (press photos of Mrs Josephine Freje not included, please credit the photographer if possible.)